The Alexforbes ArchAngel crew finished the race in 3rd place on 27 January 2023









Good tides
change lives

Alexforbes was proud to sponsor the Alexforbes ArchAngel crew which took part in the 2023 Cape2Rio Yacht Race. The team comprised of members from the Royal Cape Yacht Club (RCYC) Sailing Academy and took to the seas in early 2023 to participate in one of the most iconic global yacht races across the Atlantic Ocean.

About the Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy

The RCYC Sailing Academy’s purpose is to expose youth from marginalised communities to the sport of sailing and to help them develop careers in the maritime industry. The Academy has touched the lives of hundreds of young people, with the 6-person crew of the Alexforbes ArchAngel acting as a symbol of hope for more to follow. The RCYC uses sailing as a means to challenge inequality, poverty and marginalisation – which aligns strongly with Alexforbes’s values.


What is the Cape2Rio Yacht Race?

The cross-Atlantic yacht race has a rich heritage, first taking place in 1971. It is the premier continent-to-continent race in the Southern Hemisphere and is keenly watched by seacraft fans around the world.

In its history, various ports have been used including some outside of Brazil in neighbouring South American countries. The 2023 race will be 3300 nautical miles, starting in Table Bay, Cape Town and ending in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro.

Similar to other high-endurance races, teams are required to have completed qualifying events. The race is open to a wide variety of yachts and crew sizes, ranging from two-person teams all the way up to large 15-person teams.

The Cape2Rio is considered a true test of Seamanship – as it tests both crew competence and their ability to navigate a wide range of weather conditions.

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Media Statement
27 December 2022  Message of support from the Minister Nathi Mthethwa to the Alexforbes ArchAngel Crew  The process of transformation of our country and society continues to progress and deepen in our communities. One step of actions towards this effort gives our people hope and determination that our country is indeed progressing well into the future of a better life, no matter the difficulties of the moment.  I am inspired as well as our people are by the grit and determination of the crew of the Alexforbes ArchAngel who are about to compete in the Cape2Rio yacht race which is set to start on 02 January 2023. This group of young black South Africans is the first complete crew from townships across Cape Town to attempt this iconic race.  The crew is Skipper Sibusiso Sizatu, First mate Daniel Agulhas, Justin Peters, Azile Arosi & Renaldo Mohale. They come from Masiphumele, Khayelitsha, Grassy Park and Athlone, these are townships of Cape Town in the Western Cape.  All were born without privilege, but with the determination, tenacity, discipline, commitment and the professional training provided by the Royal Cape Yacht Club Academy, they are making more than waves – they are making an impact.  They serve as an example to all of us (and especially our youth) that with the right support, anything is possible. I wish them fair winds as they navigate their course towards making history – South Africa is behind you all the way.  You are the inspiration to our country.  Issued by the South African National Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
Huge congratulations to the #AlexforbesArchAngel team for accomplishing an incredible feat. From Cape2Rio in 24 days, this team is an inspiration. Well done to Skipper Sibusiso Sizatu - you and your team have made South Africa proud.  Thanks to the alexforbesofficial team and the rcycsailingacademy for inviting us on this incredible journey.
It’s out there at sea that you are really yourself.
-Vito Dumas, 1900–1965, Argentine sailor
.  caperiorace caperio2023 alexforbesofficial royalcapeyachtclub  capetownmag #alexforbesarchangel #alexforbesarchangelskipper yachtingworldmagazine 
#sailing #sail #yachtrace #yachtinglife #lovecapetown #cape2rio2023 #cape2rio canonsa #canoncollectivesa #canoncollective cameratek
Six young and passionate sailors will be making history by participating in the iconic Cape2Rio yacht race on the alexforbesofficial  ArchAngel. 

Visit and send the team a “Message in a Bottle” of hope & support ahead of the big race day. #alexforbesarchangel #cape2rio #ExpressoShow
Sailing technology has advanced considerably, but having trusted fallbacks is important too. Daniel Agulhas, First Mate on the #AlexforbesArchAngel rchAngel, explains what they use to navigate and for communications during Cape2Rio. Find out more about the Alexforbes ArchAngel: Link on bio
We're proud to back the #AlexforbesArchAngel crew because they embody the South Africa spirit - no amount of hardship can hold them back. As they step out to take on the challenge of Cape2Rio, we see this as a reminder of what we can achieve as a nation when we work together. Viva Alexforbes ArchAngel, viva Mzansi!
Ever wondered where and how a yacht crew sleeps, particularly in rough seas? Azile Arosi, member of the #AlexforbesArchAngel crew, explains.
Reef knots, like the one Daniel Agulhas is demonstrating here, are good for joining two ends together. Follow the #AlexforbesArchAngel crew, their preparation and ultimately their journey across the Atlantic Ocean when the Cape2Rio race starts on 2 January 2023.
It was a special moment to see the new sail hoisted on the Alexforbes ArchAngel, a significant milestone in the backing of the Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy crew that will take part in the 2023 Cape2Rio. We’re looking forward to seeing it out on the waters soon!  #alexforbesarchangel
History was made to be rewritten.  The #AlexforbesArchAngel crew, a yachting crew made up entirely of Royal Cape Yachting Club Sailing Academy members, is preparing to take on one of the world's biggest yacht races.  We firmly believe this special group of people will inspire South Africa onwards to greater things.
The #AlexforbesArchAngel crew were recently interviewed on SABC 3's Expresso Morning Show. We are so proud of these heroes in the making, and we can't wait to see them embark on the 50th Cape2Rio race in 7 weeks' time.
“If there is no wind, there is no fun!”. Azile Arosi, a member of the Alexforbes ArchAngel crew preparing to take part in the 2023 Cape2Rio yacht race, has an inspiring story which was recently covered by News24. Her determination to overcome her fear of the ocean is one of many reasons why we think this crew are South African heroes in the making and why we are proud to be a part of their story.  #alexforbesarchangel
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