The Alexforbes ArchAngel crew finished the race in 3rd place on 27 January 2023









Support RCYC

Support RCYC Sailing Academy

The Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy was established in 2012 with the mission of bringing the sport of sailing to marginalised communities and those from a disadvantaged background. Underwhelmed by the representation in the sport, the RCYC Sailing Academy works tirelessly to train crew members and skippers – already resulting in several success stories.

In a true testament to the human spirit, the Academy was not satisfied with merely offering opportunities. This exciting undertaking to take part in the iconic Cape2Rio Yacht Race will put the Academy on the map and provide the crew with serious sailing accolades that not many boast.

By their own admission, running a sailing academy costs a lot of money – but still they endure because of how beneficial it had been; not just to the crew out sailing, but the families and, indeed, the communities they call home as well. This is a fantastic cause to consider sponsorship as a corporation or on an individual level. Any assistance you can offer goes a long way to empowering the Academy to continue making an impact.


To sponsor the Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy, please visit their sponsorship page